Bronx Health REACH is one of 20 grassroots initiatives around the nation working on plans to eliminate racial and ethnic disparities in health as part of the Centers for Disease Control's REACH 2010 Program. We work in the South Bronx by involving community members, faith-based organizations, healthcare providers, and legislators and policy makers.
CPHS was formed in 1991 out of a strong belief that decisions about health care must include public input and address the diverse needs of New York City communities. Today, CPHS is a coalition of New York residents, community health advocates, health workers, and labor unions committed to making sure that our public health system stays strong, that people have access to health services, and the public's voice on health care issues is heard.
Dr. Gaskin's primary research interests are access to health care for minority, low-income, uninsured and other vulnerable populations, disparities in healthcare and the hospital safety net. His other research interests include the effects of managed care, other market forces and public policy on hospital behavior, mental health economics and the treatment decisions of terminally ill patients.
The Institute brings together a diverse and creative group of scholars and researchers from various disciplines to focus on the histories, present conditions, and the future prospects of racially and ethnically marginalized people. Informed by real world needs, its work strives to meaningfully impact policies and practices. The Institute employs many approaches to fulfilling its mission: original research, publications, comparative analyses, surveys, convenings and conferences. It is part of a rich intellectual community and draws upon the insight and energy of the faculty and students at Ohio State.
The New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC) is an umbrella policy and advocacy organization for approximately 150 groups in New York State that work with immigrants and refugees. The NYIC's membership includes grassroots community organizations, not-for-profit health and human services organizations, religious and academic institutions, labor unions, and legal, social, and economic justice organizations. With its multi-ethnic, multi-racial, and multi-sector base, the NYIC provides both a forum for immigrant groups to share their concerns and a vehicle for collective action to address these concerns.
New York Lawyers for the Public Interest is a nonprofit, civil rights law firm that strives for social justice. Created in 1976 to address unmet legal needs, NYLPI combines a pro bono clearinghouse with an in-house practice which blends innovative lawyering, community organizing and advocacy. Our Access to Health Care Program works to ensure access to quality health care for people in medically underserved communities or facing barriers due to limited English proficiency, racial and ethnic discrimination, and disability.
The Save Our Safety Net Campaign (SOS-C) is a growing coalition of community organizations, labor unions, religious leaders, and healthcare advocates who are deeply concerned about the potential disaster that could result from the recommendations of Governor Pataki's Hospital Closing Commission. We have come together around our statement of principles and have committed to working together to ensure transparency, accountability, and justice in the process of designing a health care system for the 21st century that provides access to affordable, quality healthcare for all New Yorkers.